Welcome to The Basics of Search Engine Optimization
You, most likely, decided to take this training so that you can take control of your website and your business success on the Internet. The course is made up of 7 modules which will teach you everything you need to know about search engines. It is strongly recommended that you use the Forum to find answers to your questions or to share your feelings throughout the course. When working with this type of learning, it's always easier to talk to others going through it with you.
When you complete this course, you will be able to:
- Identify search engines and meta tags
- Properly utilize keywords in meta tags, text, and images
- Make critical decisions when utilizing links
- Submit your website to search engines for registration
- Effectively promote your website
- Understand the reasons for being banned and/or penalized by search engines
At the end of the training,
you will have the option of printing out a checklist which will ensure your website has been properly optimized.
If, at any time, during the training, you become overwhelmed or need clarification, do not hesitate to contact me, your Safari Guide.
Phone: 720.345.7379
Enjoy the journey! |